5 Best Considerations For Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration

Are you still a Salesforce Classic user? If so, then it is high time you migrate to Lightning Experience. Salesforce Lightning offers a simple UI that is easy to navigate, customize, and use. Its advanced automation, analytics, and low-code development capabilities along with the latest upgrades make it the go-to solution for Salesforce users.

With Salesforce Lightning, you can redesign pages, create processes, and automate workflow in a manner that you couldn’t do in Classic. Powered up with Einstein Analytics, Kanban View, Lightning Voice, and App Builder, Lightning Experience is what you need for optimum business output. 

While migration to lightning is important to bring scalability and raise the productivity of the workforce, it can be a daunting task for businesses. However, with Salesforce Lightning Support, you can overcome most of the migration challenges and register better output.

Here are some considerations to keep in mind while planning for Salesforce Lightning Migration:

  1. Get a Buy-in Approval

Getting a purchase or buy-in approval can be difficult but considering the limitations of 

Classic, it is a necessary move for your organization. For this, you need to convince both management as well as daily users. By highlighting advanced features of lightning and the necessity for migration for your productivity and ROI, you can get fast approval from the leadership.

2. Perform a Readiness Check

The Salesforce Readiness Check Report evaluates how you currently use Salesforce Classic and what you can expect post-migration. It can estimate the effort required for the switch over, highlight issues in code, and identify features that will not be available post-migration. With the help of Salesforce Lightning Services, you can carry out a proper gap analysis along with a readiness check.

3. Conduct Optimizer Report

After you have a clear-cut idea about how the transition process will affect your organization and what possible issues will surface during the switch over, you can start to determine allocation. By conducting an optimizer report, you can identify inactive workflow rules, app exchange apps, custom profiles, objects, data relationships and simplify, enhance, or improve their functioning before migration. 

4. Use Migration Assistant

You can use Lightning Experience for a test run using Lightning Migration Assistant. The assistant can guide you through the process of initiating Lightning for your organization and offer you a preview of how your organization will work when you turn on Lightning for all users. Take advantage of this test as an opportunity to try apps, features, and experiment with customizations that were not evaluated during Lightning Experience Readiness Check.

5. Planning for User Adoption

Lightning Experience implementation should be done by a Salesforce Lightning Services team that runs end-user testing for every group. This can help you collect data and metrics as evidence to provide proof to the rest of the team and assist in future buy-in. The adoption team can also highlight choke points that will help in improving the adoption rate and user experience. 


The migration process requires careful planning and consideration. By following the above tips, you will be able to plan migration better and carry out a hassle-free switch over from on-premise systems to Salesforce Cloud. To realize the maximum benefits of migration, consider aligning with a certified Salesforce Lightning Migration expert.

Damco Group is a Salesforce Lightning Services provider with over 25+ years of implementation, consulting, and training experience in Salesforce and other software platforms. At Damco, we have helped numerous clients have a glitch-free transition to Lightning and we can help you too.

Top Reasons Why You Should Migrate to Salesforce Lightning

Are you still relying on traditional systems or the old Classic version to manage your day-to-day activities? The #1 Cloud-based SaaS solutions provider has already made it clear that Lightning will be its default UI. With that being said, it is time you make the necessary transition to Lightning and experience new and improved capabilities of the platform.

Salesforce Lightning Experience is a modern interface that contains better features and capabilities compared to other solutions. Migrating to Lightning will help you sell faster, redesign pages and build custom apps easily, and make quick interactions with customers. 

Following are some reasons why Salesforce Migration to Lightning UI may be beneficial for your organization:

  1. Improved Selling Features

Lightning Experience offers new and improved sales features that can take your sales to a next level. One such feature is Sales Path that allows agents to follow a structured protocol for sales management. Also by leveraging Kanban View and the drag-drop functionality of Lightning, your team can visualize data and make decisions on the go.

  1. Lightning Voice

The Lightning Voice feature can help you improve customer interactions in numerous ways. You can connect with customers and prospects by directly calling them through your Salesforce instance.  This saves agents time and allows them to reach a maximum number of prospects in a day. Secondly, Lightning Voice contains auto-call logging and voice drop features that can help you save time and enhance overall productivity at work.

  1. Faster App Development

Whether you wish to develop custom app layouts or want to integrate components/APIs in existing solutions, Lightning gets  you covered. Salesforce Migration to Lightning provides you a platform that has built-in drag-drop tools which can be used to create apps in minutes or hours. Since you can develop workflows, layouts, and customize components much quicker, you can address any hassle in real-time.


Salesforce Migration to Lightning will offer great benefits to your organization. Adding it to your business ecosystem will help you automate customer service in ways like never before. Additionally, Lighting’s simplistic sales management features will help you create a structured method for lead identification and nurturing. Additionally, with its low-code development feature you can customize your system much faster with changing business needs.

Are you planning for Salesforce to Salesforce Migration? Connect with our experts and we will make sure to migrate fast and cost-effectively. 

4 Reasons Why You Should Migrate to Salesforce Lightning

Whether you are just getting started with Salesforce or are leveraging Classic at the moment, migration to Lightning should be on your top priority list. The platform has added many features and enhancements in the past few years that makes it a desirable migration choice. 

Salesforce Lightning is a powerful, intuitive, faster and feature-rich platform that provides accelerated development and customization with minimal coding efforts. Businesses can redesign pages, change workflow, develop apps and do much more as per changing business needs.

There are various reasons why a business should go for Salesforce Lightning Migration. Some of them include:

  1. New Selling Features

The Lightning Experience comes with many new selling features that enable an organization to automate sales and streamline workflow. The Lightning Path for instance guides sales reps to follow a structured process right from lead identification to deal closure.

Kanban View is another sales feature that allows users to spot opportunities for sales in a much better manner. Users can view ongoing tasks, sort, summarize, filter move opportunities and create events related to a sales opportunity without leaving the view.

  1. Lightning Voice

Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration provides firms with access to new features like Lightning Voice. This exclusive feature is suitable for service and sales teams allowing them to interact with customers in a convenient manner.

Users can save contact numbers, take notes, view call logs, access explanations and answers without switching apps. The auto call logging, voice mail, and call list options minimize the data entry work and save a lot of time which can be utilized in other business activities.

  1. New User Interface

The user interface of Lightning is highly customizable, easily navigable and filled with interactive elements.  It allows users to seamlessly transition from one device screen to another with minimal toggle time.

Salesforce Lightning Migration enables users to generate automated reports, customize dashboard and edit folder settings. With insightful reports and a customizable interface, employees can work faster while being better at decision making.

  1. Lightning App Builder

Lightning App Builder is a point-and-click tool that is used to create custom pages for Salesforce mobile app and Lightning Experience. With Salesforce Lightning Services businesses can develop single-page apps, custom record pages, home pages, dashboards, etc. 

Apart from app page creation, Lightning App Builder can be used to integrate components from third-party applications enhancing business capabilities of a CRM. The simplified app development in Lightning gives firms the desired business agility.


Lightning comes with advanced features and contains endless customization/integration capabilities.  Moreover, the development of app pages is much easier as it can be done via a drag-and-drop interface. Migrating to the platform is a good idea for businesses that want to upgrade from Classic or wish to adopt a cloud-based CRM with exceptional automation, business management and development capabilities.

Need Salesforce Lightning Support to make a seamless transition? Engage with our implementation experts over a call.